Writer’s Block… yes or no?

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Writing by Robyn PetermanLeave a Comment

Do I get writer’s block?

Yes and no. 

There are so many kinds of writers and so many different methods of writing. None of them are wrong. Never let anyone tell you there is only one way to do it. You have to find what works for you. 

Some people plot beautifully. I’m not that gal. I’m what’s called a pantser. I write by the seat of my pants. I find it thrilling and I live for the surprises that pop up when I write. Sometimes I wish I could plot a book, but if I did, I wouldn’t write it. LOL There would be no surprises and I would get bored. 

As to having writer’s block as a pantser, for me it means I took a left and I should have taken a right. I will simply backtrack to where the story starts to feel wonked and chunk out what didn’t work. I never delete the words I pull out of a story. I put them in a file called, Shit Folder. Occasionally, I take a peek in the folder and end up using something that might not have worked when I tried it the first time, but it might fit into an entirely different story. 

I suppose I could also be called a plotster. I do think about the chapter ahead. I have an idea of where I want it to go and I write towards it. Often, it 360s on me multiple times, but again, that’s what I love about writing. 

The other thing I’ll do is walk away from my laptop. I’ll grab a yellow legal pad and some super sharp pencils and sit in my car. Weird? Possibly, but many of my books were written while I waited in the car for my kids to get done with their activities. I feel like there’s a little magic there. Granted, my kids are adults now, but don’t knock what works. LOL  

A few of my author buddies will go for a walk, take a shower or even exercise to help with writer’s block. Just like writing is an individual process so is dealing with writer’s block. And honestly, if I’m not feeling it, I don’t force it. 

I do write every day—even on weekends. A lot of the words end up in my books and even more don’t. Writing isn’t easy, but it gives me utter joy. I have so many things swirling in my warped brain, I have to get them out on paper. It’s cheaper than therapy. 

So that’s my take on writer’s block. What’s yours? 

xoxo Robyn 

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