What’s a witch to do when it snows a foot and a half outside and she should be working on a new book? Have a snow day with my dogs! 

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Writing by Robyn PetermanLeave a Comment

My cats want nothing to do with this freezing cold plan, but the dogs are all in. Granted, I’m not a huge fan of the cold, but I’m also not a fan of my dogs pooping in the house. You feel me? 

A snow day requires preparation. 

First, I put on the dogs’ coats. This is somewhat of a nightmare. Keith has a green puffer jacket that he despises. Cindy has a plaid pink-and-white fleece number that she can’t stand. Wanda has a thick Christmas sweater that she is positive came from the bowels of hell. 

It takes a good twenty minutes to get the little hairy turds dressed—this includes chasing them to get them to stay still. Once they’re dressed, they all look incredibly depressed and embarrassed. The three of them have trouble making eye contact with me they’re so horrified. I explain to them that I’m doing this because I love them and don’t want them to be too cold. 

They’re not buying it. Pretty sure if they could trade me in, they would do it. 

Too bad, so sad. Of course, before we can go out into the tundra, I have to get bundled up as well. In the scant five minutes it took me to leave the room to get my hat, coat and gloves, my dogs got busy. Very busy. 

Imagine my surprise when I came back to find Keith had removed his green puffer jacket and was sitting on it. Cindy’s super cute pink and white number had mysteriously disappeared. And I really mean disappeared. I still can’t find it. LOL 

Wanda was the only one still dressed. In her defense, the sweater is pretty tough to remove. She gave me a pathetic look, begging me to remove her outerwear. 

I gave in. My dogs own me. 

So, we trekked out into the cold and ran around. They ran around. I did not. I shivered and recited a made up poem consisting of a bunch of swear words about the weather. Being cold is not my bag. After ten minutes, I went back inside. Keith, Cindy and Wanda ran around like they’d eaten a vat of speed. It was fabulously nuts. The coatless freaks made it for forty-five minutes before they came to the door covered in snow and grinning like fools. 

Sadly, I didn’t get a pics of the outdoor fun, but I can show you the aftermath. LOL  My furry dummies were exhausted. For the rest of the afternoon they went from one cozy couch to another. 

All in all, it was an excellent snow day… for the dogs! My favorite part was sitting by the fire with my very smart cats and writing about Zelda and Sassy in the new Magic and Mayhem book.

Hope you’re staying warm and safe. 

xoxo Robyn  


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