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The Gentle Art of Mindfulness

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life by Ann Gimpel2 Comments

I developed a meditation practice years and years ago. I’d love to say I’ve been consistent in my practice, but life often got in the way. And then, I made an interesting discovery. I didn’t have to be sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat to be present. Ultimately, mindfulness simply means experiencing the current moment to its fullest. We make choices several times each day. We can choose to be fully in the moment, or we can choose to perseverate about something that happened yesterday–or last week. There’s quite a tendency to rehash past events. Or worry endlessly about stuff …

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Starting Seeds & Dreaming of Summer Harvests

In Daily Life, Misc. by Renee George2 Comments

Spring is nearly here, so it’s time to start my garden! Five years ago, my son bought me an AeroGarden, and, ever since, it’s been my go-to way to start seeds indoors. It’s the perfect little system for giving plants a head start before transferring them to my outdoor garden. Mine holds six plants at a time. An aside: You don’t need to buy an Aerogarden to start your plants indoors. Even though I love it, I’m not endorsing Aerogarden in particular. I have (and will again) used clip-on grow lights, along with large, clean yogurt containers with a lid …

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OMG. Exercising In Your 50s… LOL 

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life by Robyn Peterman5 Comments

Welp, I used to be in shape. Great shape. In my life before I was an author, I was an actress. I’ve done Broadway, TV and film. I danced my bahooky off in Chorus Line, Forty Second Street, Damn Yankees and many other shows.  HOWEVER, as a writer I sit on that very same bahooky way too much. So, I’m doing what any sensible gal would do. I’m exercising again. It’s been alarming, hilarious and painful.  Shall we discuss?  Let’s.  Walking is great. It’s not great when it’s colder than a witch’s tit outside. Right now, that’s the case. Walking …

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Literary Legends: Celebrating International Women’s Day!

In Announcements by Polly Holmes3 Comments

Today, we celebrate the incredible achievements of women around the world, and what better way to do that than by diving into the world of female authors?  These two literary legends have not only penned some of the most beloved stories but have also inspired generations with their words.  Jane Austen: The Queen of Quirk Jane Austen, the brilliant mind behind classics like “Pride and Prejudice” and “Emma,” had a knack for creating strong, witty female characters who defied societal norms. Her sharp observations and humorous writing style continue to captivate readers today.  “I declare after all there is no …

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Why I LOVE Writing Paranormal Stories!

In Writing by Yasmine Galenorn2 Comments

Hey Peeps! You know, every now and then I see a show where some character tells another that they should stop ‘living in a fantasy world and grow up.’ And it drives me NUTS! Or I’ll hear some stodgy writer tell a beginning writer “Write what you know!” In an episode of one of my favorite sitcoms—Frasier—the main character infers that another geeky character should give up science fiction and fantasy so he can live an adult life. That’s one of the few instances in the sitcom where I bristle. Because so often, those of us who love urban fantasy, …

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Trope-tastic reasons to fall in love

In Writing by Louisa West2 Comments

Every romance novel you read makes use of tropes–plot devices that help us to navigate the story in ways that are meaningful and familiar to us. They might expand into larger themes, or be represented as merely a moment in time for our characters. Either way, most readers have tropes they love more than any others… or even some that give them the ick! For the most part, we actively seek these story elements out and experience them time and time again. But why are we drawn to them? What makes a trope bingeworthy? Research shows that by and large, …

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Toolkit for Challenging Times

In Daily Life, Mindfulness, Misc. by Ann Gimpel2 Comments

No matter what your political leanings, nothing about the past month can have been easy. From the liberal (not a dirty word, no matter what you’ve been told) side of the house, we mourn as human rights crash and burn. From the conservative side, many people feel cheated that the new administration isn’t doing what they said they would. In truth, the slash and burn approach to dealing with governmental agencies they don’t understand or appreciate has been painful to observe. Especially, as they try to rehire essential staff…ones responsible for containing bird flu and the nation’s nuclear codes, among …

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Oops, My Brain Did It Again: When Writers Trip Over Their Own Words

In Holidays, Writing by Renee GeorgeLeave a Comment

Today, March 4th is National Grammar Day, so I think this is the perfect day to discuss how imperfect the writing process is for almost every author. Look, I know grammar. You know grammar. We all, at least in theory, know where commas go and how apostrophes work. But sometimes, when the words are flowing, our brains sprint ahead, and our fingers betray us as they try to keep up. And suddenly, we’ve got a rogue “your” where a “you’re” should be, and our credibility as a writer takes a nosedive. I’ll let you in on a secret. Most of …

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It’s that time of year. Time to start anew. 

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Misc. by Robyn PetermanLeave a Comment

I don’t think of New Year’s Day as a time of new beginnings. For me, it’s spring when the trees are budding and the weather begins to warm up. There’s a scent in the air that makes me feel like anything is possible. It’s fabulous. It’s magical.  It’s the time of year to get rid of the cobwebs of winter and dreary days and make plans to kick some ass. I’m a list maker. It makes me feel safe. LOL Never have I ever completed all of the items on my list, but that’s just a reason to make a …

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Long Weekend Holiday Fun for All.

In Daily Life, Holidays by Polly Holmes3 Comments

As a teacher, I long for those weekends that have a public holiday attached. It means I get an extra sleep in. We have several in Australia and there are some classic activities that make them all the more memorable. Long weekends are a perfect opportunity to take a break from the daily grind and recharge your batteries. Whether you’re planning a big bash or a small gathering or you’re looking to relax, explore, or spend quality time with loved ones, here are some ideas to help you make the most of your long weekend, or if you are visiting …