I don’t think of New Year’s Day as a time of new beginnings. For me, it’s spring when the trees are budding and the weather begins to warm up. There’s a scent in the air that makes me feel like anything is possible. It’s fabulous. It’s magical.
It’s the time of year to get rid of the cobwebs of winter and dreary days and make plans to kick some ass. I’m a list maker. It makes me feel safe. LOL Never have I ever completed all of the items on my list, but that’s just a reason to make a new list.
I’ve started my list…. and here’s a peek.
- Better work life balance. I’m the idiot who works seven days a week. Now… I’m going to purposely take one day off a week. My husband is kind of skeptical. I will prove him wrong. We have a $50 wager going on it.
- I’m a good friend. I’m a loyal friend. I need to be a better friend to me. Soooo… I’m starting with getting a weekly massage and stretching daily. So far, so good. The first massage hurt like a mofo since I sit on my ass most of the time and have poopy posture when I write. I’m hoping the massage tomorrow doesn’t kill me.
- I gave up sugar. Actually, I had to. My freaking bloodwork was not pretty. However, I feel a heck of a lot better. I’m gonna keep it up. I do miss my full sugared Cokes, but Dr. Pepper Zero Strawberries and Cream is my new bestie.
- Learning that perfectly imperfect is gorgeous.
- Start a new series. I’ve got an idea that will not leave me alone. I am going to make the time to let my warped imagination fly in a new direction.
- Cuddle with my fur babies more often. Hanging with the pups and kitties calms my soul.
- Clean out my closet. LOL That’s on every list I make.
Do you make lists? What’s on your list? Let me know!!
xoxo Robyn