Ahhh yes, even witches have to endure maladies that the mere mortals have to deal with. LOL 

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Misc. by Robyn Peterman2 Comments

When one gets mature (old), one occasionally gets back bloodwork tests with high (super duper high) sugars. Not quite over the limit, but seriously close. 

So when that mature (old) person needs to take a hard (and sadly realistic) look at her habits, it can be alarming—8 full-sugared cokes a day alarming…along with a love of strawberry sweet tart ropes and other sugary treats.

Alrighty then, DO NOT JUDGE ME. LOL

Yes, I’m fully aware that I’m an idiot. 

HOWEVER, I found a diet soda that didn’t make me want to perform a baldness or nose wart spell on anyone who dared to speak to me. I LOVE IT. I consider this a win and my family and friends are safe.

Yes, to some it will sound nasty. I don’t care. 

In fact, today, I (think) I made friends with the wonderful young man at the grocery who was stocking the Dr. Pepper products. I, of course, loaded six 12-packs into my cart because this crap is hard to find. My new buddy gave me a strange look and I proceeded (in my embarrassment of hogging the crowned jewel of soda) to have diarrhea of the mouth. I told the poor kid my life story—including my recent bloodwork results—along with how much I love Dr. Pepper Zero Strawberries and Cream.

I fear the young man is scarred for life. But he was very polite. 

My beloved new soda pop has been harder than heck to find. I consider today a MASSIVE win. It’s the little things that keep an old witch like me going. 

For all my mature witchy friends…. when in the hell did we get old? LOL 

Whatever. I feel like I’m in my 30s… or 40s. 

Today, life is good. 

xoxo Robyn


  1. I’m hearing ya sister they say you’re only as old as you feel (sometimes I feel 110 lol ) even though I ‘m heading towards 60 but in my head I ‘m still only 35 lol ) .

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