Living A Magickal Life

In Magick by Yasmine Galenorn3 Comments

People often ask me “What does being a witch and pagan mean to you?” There’s never any easy, short answer to that question. Being a Witch/Pagan for me, means yes, I believe in magick, and I am a Shamanic Witch. I’ve been in the Craft since February 29, 1980, when I had a mystical experience that changed my life, for the good, forever. Which means that today is my 45th anniversary.

Being a witch/Pagan means that I worship and believe in the Old Gods, I’m a pledged High Priestess, and I live by my oaths.

Being a witch/Pagan means that I don’t believe in ‘Satan’ and I don’t believe in heaven/hell/the Judeo Christian god. Being a Witch/Pagan means I don’t go around trying to convert others. If you come to the Craft, it must be because you’re drawn. It means that you’re called, and you must walk your own version of the path. Being a witch is hard work…damned hard work…and there are no spoonfed answers. I’m not out to convert you or your children. I just offer you the challenge of thinking about what you believe and why, and making your decisions about your spiritual path based on choice rather than habit.

Being a witch/Pagan means I revere the Earth Mother/Fae Queen, and the Horned God of Nature. But I don’t see them as totally benevolent, nor do I see them as omniscient/omnipotent. I don’t believe in any omniscient/omnipotent being.

Living a magickal life means I try to leave a gentle footprint on the earth. It means I work with the elements and the powers of nature. It means that I take responsibility for my actions, and that I live in tune with those rhythms that feel natural to me. It means that I celebrate the Wheel of the Year, that I honor my gods, that I act in accordance with my ethics. (No, it doesn’t mean I like all seasons equally…I am so NOT a sun-bunny. *grins*).

Big Mama creates and provides sustenance, and she also eats her young when the herds are too crowded, and she blows her gales and storms across the planet.  And yes, I believe in the Fae (but not ‘faeries’ as in the cute little cherubic Victorian creations), in spirits, ghosts, and yes—I do believe evil exists. I’ve dealt with my share of astral nasties and exorcised a number of houses for people. And I NEVER advise people to do this if they don’t know what they’re doing. Dabbling? NOT a good idea.

Being a witch/Pagan—means I also am pretty scientific and I always look for the practical answer before accepting a mystical/magickal one. Because a lot of times, yes, there is a mundane answer for what’s happening. But look at nature—at the wind, ocean, earth, and flame—the elements are all both magickal and very real on a fundamental, practical basis.

Being a witch and Priestess? They’re the most important things in my life, because I am pledged in the service of the gods. I’m not Wiccan—and yes, there is a difference. I’m shamanic and experiential in my practice and I follow a path based on the Finnish gods, but there’s no way to translate old traditions to the modern world, so—like any pagan—I adapt my practice to the world and the time around me. I firmly believe that any religion which does not evolve, will not thrive.

My goal in this life is to leave the world a little better than it was…to make some sort of  a difference that helps people/the planet, that brings together people rather than divides them, that empowers rather than oppresses. I hope I’m doing that through my work, my words, my actions, my deeds. I incorporate a lot of magickal energy into my writing, to bring the worlds to life for you.

Remember: every witch and Pagan will have a different group of meanings, and this is fine. It’s not a one-size fits all spirituality.

I don’t know if this will answer the question…but it’s the best I’m going to give right here. I’ve never regretted my choice in life, I’ve never regretted my calling. After forty-five years on this path, it’s the only one I can imagine for myself.


  1. I don’t know that I’d give myself any title any more. I still believe in miracles and even though I was raised a Protestant I ask St Jude and the Archangles for help occasionally, which I firmly believe they give. However, I can also channel a pair of shaman -a married couple I think, they use a lot of toning to get things done. Her register is far higher than mine and I’d never hit those notes or have that breath control without them helping. I can also respectfully ask the rain to hold off until I get home and have it do so. -I always thank it when that happens- and other things like that. So I can’t really call myself a Christian anymore and don’t have an alternative name for what I am. lol. I also think both my cousin and I are visited by dragons and that we come from a long line of gatekeepers and probably have ties to all four elements. Of course I could also be very illusional.

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