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Research: The Fiction Writer’s Best Friend (and Worst Time Thief)

In Behind The Scenes, Writing by Renee GeorgeLeave a Comment

Writing fiction is basically enrolling yourself in the University of Life, majoring in researching every topic under the sun. One moment, you’re looking at architecture to describe a house in your story, the next, you’re deep-diving into fast-acting poisons, maritime law, and what happens when someone mysteriously dies on a cruise ship. Maybe you’re learning how to read tarot cards for the fortune teller character you added to the mix or your figuring out which bull god the ancient Gauls worshipped while Caesar came knocking (hint: it’s the not-so-friendly Cernunnos — part god, part nightmare fuel). Whether you’re writing a …

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Are you a procrastinator? Sometimes? All the time? Never? 

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Writing by Robyn PetermanLeave a Comment

If the answer is never, we probably could not be friends. LOL   Things I like to procrastinate on… Dishes. I hate washing dishes. I do it, but I can always find soooo many things to do to avoid it.  Bills. Nuff said.  Drying my hair. I have been known to wear a towel on my head until I go to bed. My hair looks like Medusa, but whatever. LOL  My job. Writing. Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s like pulling teeth.  Suffice it to say, I’m an excellent procrastinator. Although, I’ve realized sometimes it’s not a bad thing. For …

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Procrastibaking: Vegan Blueberry Crumble Bars Edition

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Writing by Renee GeorgeLeave a Comment

So, I should be writing, diving deep into my manuscript, crafting brilliant dialogue, untangling plot knots…but instead, I’m here, dreaming of summer, sunshine, and fresh berries. Naturally, that led me to what I like to call…procrastibaking (i.e., the art of putting off today what can be done tomorrow and baking instead!). This time, I whipped up some Vegan Blueberry Crumble Bars, and let me tell you, they were absolutely smashingly delicious. And by “smashingly,” I mean I smashed them into my mouth, one after another, like I was training for a competitive eating contest. I have no regrets. The best …

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Why I LOVE Writing Paranormal Stories!

In Writing by Yasmine Galenorn2 Comments

Hey Peeps! You know, every now and then I see a show where some character tells another that they should stop ‘living in a fantasy world and grow up.’ And it drives me NUTS! Or I’ll hear some stodgy writer tell a beginning writer “Write what you know!” In an episode of one of my favorite sitcoms—Frasier—the main character infers that another geeky character should give up science fiction and fantasy so he can live an adult life. That’s one of the few instances in the sitcom where I bristle. Because so often, those of us who love urban fantasy, …

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Trope-tastic reasons to fall in love

In Writing by Louisa West2 Comments

Every romance novel you read makes use of tropes–plot devices that help us to navigate the story in ways that are meaningful and familiar to us. They might expand into larger themes, or be represented as merely a moment in time for our characters. Either way, most readers have tropes they love more than any others… or even some that give them the ick! For the most part, we actively seek these story elements out and experience them time and time again. But why are we drawn to them? What makes a trope bingeworthy? Research shows that by and large, …

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Oops, My Brain Did It Again: When Writers Trip Over Their Own Words

In Holidays, Writing by Renee GeorgeLeave a Comment

Today, March 4th is National Grammar Day, so I think this is the perfect day to discuss how imperfect the writing process is for almost every author. Look, I know grammar. You know grammar. We all, at least in theory, know where commas go and how apostrophes work. But sometimes, when the words are flowing, our brains sprint ahead, and our fingers betray us as they try to keep up. And suddenly, we’ve got a rogue “your” where a “you’re” should be, and our credibility as a writer takes a nosedive. I’ll let you in on a secret. Most of …

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Twenty Years (or 140 Dog-Years) of Writing: An Author’s Evolution

In Behind The Scenes, Books, TV, Media, Daily Life, Writing by Renee George3 Comments

February 2005, I submitted a paranormal novella to several online publishers. At that point, I was a seasoned collector of rejections, fully expecting to add a few more to my growing stash of “thanks, but no thanks” letters. But two weeks later, to my utter shock, I was offered my first book contract. That was twenty years ago. That’s 140 in dog years! Back then, I was thirty-six, juggling a full-time nursing career while pursuing a second degree in English. My son had just turned ten, my father-in-law was terminally ill, and my world felt like a whirlwind of responsibilities. …

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Inspired by haunted love

In Behind The Scenes, Writing by Louisa West2 Comments

There’s something irresistibly romantic about love that defies time. When I started crafting my Sleepy Hollow Mysteries series, I found myself drawn to the idea of a love story that transcends the ordinary—a connection steeped in history, secrets, and fate. One of my biggest inspirations? The classic 1947 film The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. In the movie, a strong-willed widow moves into a seaside cottage, only to discover it’s haunted by the ghost of a gruff but compelling sea captain. Over time, their relationship evolves from wary coexistence to deep, unspoken love—a love that, despite the barrier of death, lingers …

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An Update Knocked Me Down But I Got Up Again

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Misc., Writing by Renee George3 Comments

I’ve been working on my current manuscript, but it’s been slow going. Lately, it’s been tough to find my groove. External factors haven’t helped, but I’ve been plugging along. I love the characters, the scenario, and especially the last scene I wrote a few days ago. It was full of witty banter and some important clues. And then, in the middle of the night, Microsoft decided to perform an update. The next day, I opened my file and—poof—over a thousand words were gone. The entire last scene just vanished. At first, I refused to believe it. I was convinced I’d …

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More Self-Care For Writers

In Writing by Yasmine Galenorn1 Comment

Continuing the theme of self care and self-love for writers…Those of us who are full-time writers face a problem that can have serious impacts on health–the same for a lot of IT personnel, receptionists, and really anybody who sits for a living. A host of health issues can come out of a sedentary lifestyle. I know, I’ve had too many of them. But it’s never too late to work on your health and incorporate some positive habits to counter the long hours sitting in a chair. While I’m not a doctor and cannot prescribe, here are some activities/habits you might …