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The Never Ending To-Do List

In Misc. by Yasmine GalenornLeave a Comment

I’m so tired tonight I can barely think. I’m in a super busy space. My to-do list is never ending and always growing. It’s not always this way, but for this month and next? Yes. It’s going to be just mind-numbing, but I am starting a new project on my Patreon and between the writing and the project and admin…even with my assistants, I’m just tired. So tell me happy things, peeps. Make me smile, please. 🙂

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day, my friends!

In Daily Life, Holidays, Misc. by Robyn PetermanLeave a Comment

What do you think of when you think about St. Patrick’s Day? Green Beer? Of course.  Wearing green even though it’s not you best color? Absolutely.  Pinching your buddies who are not wearing green? Yep.  And…. Leprechauns! Yasssssssss!  I love Leprechauns and I’m pretty sure it’s time for me to put one into a story. LOL  So in the spirit of the holiday, let’s learn a Leprechaun little history — Our tiny little friends are associated with St. Patrick’s Day due to the fact that the little dudes are prominent figures in Irish folklore and this holiday celebrates Irish culture.  …

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Starting Seeds & Dreaming of Summer Harvests

In Daily Life, Misc. by Renee George2 Comments

Spring is nearly here, so it’s time to start my garden! Five years ago, my son bought me an AeroGarden, and, ever since, it’s been my go-to way to start seeds indoors. It’s the perfect little system for giving plants a head start before transferring them to my outdoor garden. Mine holds six plants at a time. An aside: You don’t need to buy an Aerogarden to start your plants indoors. Even though I love it, I’m not endorsing Aerogarden in particular. I have (and will again) used clip-on grow lights, along with large, clean yogurt containers with a lid …

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Toolkit for Challenging Times

In Daily Life, Mindfulness, Misc. by Ann Gimpel2 Comments

No matter what your political leanings, nothing about the past month can have been easy. From the liberal (not a dirty word, no matter what you’ve been told) side of the house, we mourn as human rights crash and burn. From the conservative side, many people feel cheated that the new administration isn’t doing what they said they would. In truth, the slash and burn approach to dealing with governmental agencies they don’t understand or appreciate has been painful to observe. Especially, as they try to rehire essential staff…ones responsible for containing bird flu and the nation’s nuclear codes, among …

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It’s that time of year. Time to start anew. 

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Misc. by Robyn PetermanLeave a Comment

I don’t think of New Year’s Day as a time of new beginnings. For me, it’s spring when the trees are budding and the weather begins to warm up. There’s a scent in the air that makes me feel like anything is possible. It’s fabulous. It’s magical.  It’s the time of year to get rid of the cobwebs of winter and dreary days and make plans to kick some ass. I’m a list maker. It makes me feel safe. LOL Never have I ever completed all of the items on my list, but that’s just a reason to make a …

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Tasty treats for the dogs in the tundra…. 

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Misc. by Robyn Peterman3 Comments

I love my dogs. My dogs love me.  They also apparently hate me. How do I know this? Well, let me explain—last night I was writing as usual and what to my wondering eyes should appear? Wanda. Wanda at the back door with something large, dark and frozen in her mouth. Her excitement was undeniable. Her tail was wagging so fast it almost disappeared.  My stomach dropped. Was it an animal? No. Was it one of Steve’s boots? No. Was it a strangely shaped branch? No.  It was a large frozen horse poop patty that my idiot dog thought she …

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Sweetness and Light

In Daily Life, Misc. by Ann Gimpel2 Comments

I have always loved baking. Breads, pastries, you name it. Playing in the kitchen has always brought me a great deal of pleasure. Roll the clock forward a whole lot of years, and I chose to alter my ingredients to gluten free and paleo friendly. Learning to use gluten free flours took a lot of trial and error. They are all so different in terms of the finished product they produce. I started out with organic almond flour because the nuts in regular almond flour come from trees that use agricultural runoff to water them. The idea was to get …

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I’d like to share my recent and horrifying trip to Kroger. 

In Daily Life, Misc. by Robyn Peterman3 Comments

Picture this…  I had a half hour to blast my way through Kroger to buy the stuff I needed to make the sugar-free crap that I’m eating because my blood work sucked. I know my way around that store blindfolded—been going there over a decade.  Or so I thought…  The first clue was the expression of confusion and terror on the faces of my fellow shoppers.  I should have left. However, I didn’t have food in my dang house because I’ve been out of town and a dinner consisting of pickles, cereal and stale hamburger buns was not an option.  …

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An Update Knocked Me Down But I Got Up Again

In Behind The Scenes, Daily Life, Misc., Writing by Renee George3 Comments

I’ve been working on my current manuscript, but it’s been slow going. Lately, it’s been tough to find my groove. External factors haven’t helped, but I’ve been plugging along. I love the characters, the scenario, and especially the last scene I wrote a few days ago. It was full of witty banter and some important clues. And then, in the middle of the night, Microsoft decided to perform an update. The next day, I opened my file and—poof—over a thousand words were gone. The entire last scene just vanished. At first, I refused to believe it. I was convinced I’d …