Hey Peeps!
You know, every now and then I see a show where some character tells another that they should stop ‘living in a fantasy world and grow up.’ And it drives me NUTS! Or I’ll hear some stodgy writer tell a beginning writer “Write what you know!”
In an episode of one of my favorite sitcoms—Frasier—the main character infers that another geeky character should give up science fiction and fantasy so he can live an adult life. That’s one of the few instances in the sitcom where I bristle. Because so often, those of us who love urban fantasy, science fiction, and fantasy, are seen as “living in a fantasy world” and told we “aren’t facing reality”.
And you know what? That’s bullsh*t!
So, I thought I’d talk a little bit about why I love to write what I do—and who better to understand my love for the genres than my readers?
When I was a little girl—back in the 60s and 70s—all I read was science fiction and fantasy. From the time I was three, I wanted to grow up and write the books I so loved to read (yes, I WAS learning to read by then!). Well, by the time I was writing full time, urban fantasy had became a thing! And I realized I had a knack for it. Recently, I discovered that I also have a knack for writing fantasy and paranormal women’s fiction—and I love all three!
One of the main reasons I love to write these genres are that they allow me to escape into a different world—a world where magic rules, where I can interact with creatures from legend and lore and have adventures.
And the thing is, I know from what some of you have told me, you also love escaping into other worlds and adventuring with my characters! So I’m pretty sure you relate with how I feel—I’ll bet you’ve daydreamed about what YOU would do if you were in some of the worlds I write!
And you know what? That’s normal. It’s human. Fantasy allows us to escape into other worlds and gives us a break from the stress of everyday life. And everybody needs a break from their troubles—and their responsibilities. And none of this makes us any less “adult”!
As a child, I escaped into fantasy worlds because I longed to visit other realities, to catch a glimpse into the future, to sidestep into a magical kingdom. And what I don’t often tell people: at the time I also was escaping from an abusive home life. Fantasy and SF books and shows literally saved my life by giving me hope for the future.
So, daydreaming—escaping into worlds like the ones I write—is a wonderful way to give yourself a break. And unlike the character on Frasier seems to think, I believe we can absolutely live perfectly wonderful, well-adjusted lives as adults while still loving our fantasy worlds. And by how many people love movies like Lord of the Rings and Aliens and Terminator and shows like Buffy and Lost Girl, I know I’m right!
Tell me, how do books like mine help you take a break from your everyday concerns? What do you love best about the genre/my books? Join the discussion!
So continue reading what you love. Never be ashamed of what you love to read! I know I’m not going to stop writing urban fantasy and paranormal women’s fiction until the day I depart through the Veil (and may that day be quite some time in coming, because I have so many stories yet to tell!).
Bright Blessings, Yasmine